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Medical needs and education

On this page you will find information and practical advice for children and young people that are unable to attend school/college regularly due to long term medical and mental health needs.

Medical needs and education

On this page, you’ll find information and practical advice about support for special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in Torbay school settings.

Appeals and Mediation for EHCP in Torbay


Most children with medical needs continue to successfully access education with the appropriate support in place.  Schools must adapt and access support where required for children to continue to attend using support aids, reduced or adapted timetables or obtaining additional support from wider agencies.

Schools and educational settings must follow the advice given within the Statutory guidance written by the Department of Education ‘Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions(link is external)’, which explains the support children with medical needs should receive in schools.

Support for children with medical needs in school/college

As well as following the Statutory Guidance around supporting Medical needs, schools should have a policy in place for supporting pupils with medical needs and they should ensure that is regularly reviewed. You should be able to view this policy on the school's website, if not ask to see a copy.

Schools do not need to wait for a formal diagnosis, to provide support to your child.        

If your child's medical condition is unclear then the school should seek further medical advice, so that a judgement can be made about what support may be needed.

This page provides information and practical advice about the Education, Health, and Care Plan (EHCP) appeals process and SEND tribunal.

Help with physical or personal care needs.

One-to-one assistance with literacy, maths, or speech and language.

For more information on excel and support please see Torbay’s graduated response toolkit

Graduated Response - Torbay Council

This page provides information and practical advice about the EHC needs assessment process, existing EHCPs, and the review process.


Most children with medical needs continue to successfully access education with the appropriate support in place.  Schools must adapt and access support where required for children to continue to attend using support aids, reduced or adapted timetables or obtaining additional support from wider agencies.

Schools and educational settings must follow the advice given within the Statutory guidance written by the Department of Education ‘Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions(link is external)’, which explains the support children with medical needs should receive in schools.

Support for children with medical needs in school/college

As well as following the Statutory Guidance around supporting Medical needs, schools should have a policy in place for supporting pupils with medical needs and they should ensure that is regularly reviewed. You should be able to view this policy on the school's website, if not ask to see a copy.

Schools do not need to wait for a formal diagnosis, to provide support to your child.        

If your child's medical condition is unclear then the school should seek further medical advice, so that a judgement can be made about what support may be needed.

Appeals and Mediation for EHCP in Torbay

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